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Maximize Your Employee Benefits to Increase Your Return on Life

When it comes to your compensation, your paycheck pays the bills, but the additional benefits your employer provides can have just as big of an impact on how you feel about the work you do and how that work improves life for you and your family. Here are four ways that your employee benefits can boost your total compensation – and increase your Return on Life.

1. Max out your employer retirement plan match.

With corporate pensions rapidly being eliminated as an employee benefit and Social Security struggling to keep pace with our longer lifespans, folks are awakening to the fact that they need to take more personal responsibility for their retirement security. In almost all cases, I recommend that clients who have an employer retirement plan that matches contributions should take full advantage and contribute the maximum every year. Making these automatic payroll contributions aligns with the "pay yourself first" principle. If you've recently changed jobs, you should also look into the potential benefits of rolling over retirement accounts from your previous employer into your current plan or into a rollover IRA.

Another powerful wealth-building tool that is becoming more and more popular is the income in companies offering is employee ownership. Participating in your company's employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) or in your company’s profit-sharing opportunities is a great way to take ownership over your work and grow your wealth over time.

Regardless of the options available to you, make sure you dig into all the details, such as vesting schedules which determine how long you need to work at a company in order to maximize the benefits you’ll receive.

2. Understand your healthcare package.

If your employer’s healthcare coverage offers multiple plan options to choose from, take some time to consider your specific needs. For example, if you're young, single, and in good health, it’s likely that you would benefit from a high-deductible plan where you could contribute what you save in premium payments to that employer match 401(k) or to a health savings account (HSA) that could help in case of emergency. It also never hurts to think ahead. Ask how your plan would cover a serious illness or a major life change, such as pregnancy.

Also, don’t forget that the best medicine is preventative medicine. Annual check-ups, routine dental cleanings, and vision tests are usually covered by health insurance. Taking advantage of these free preventative benefits can help you maintain good health … increasing your quality of life … while also heading off potential expensive medical issues down the road.

3. Grab your perks.

As important as your healthcare benefits and 401(k)s are, don't overlook the value of some smaller employee perks that you might be taking for granted. Cafeteria dining, on-site gym facilities, parking passes, and discounts on goods and services can add up to thousands of dollars of savings every year. Besides, joining your coworkers for Taco Tuesday or joining the company softball team can build camaraderie and make your 9 to 5 a little more enjoyable.

Another often overlooked set of benefits many people fail to take advantage of are employee development programs. The best time to start thinking about your next job is while you're currently employed. Tuition assistance and professional training programs can help you develop your skills, strengthen your weaknesses, and prepare for career advancement.

4. Take your days off.

Previous generations of workers prided themselves on racking up unused vacation days. If you've inherited that all-work, no-play ethic from your parents or grandparents, you could be wasting a benefit that's part of your total comp package, but you’re also hampering your professional potential. Nobody does their best work while working all the time. Whether your office is on the top floor or in your spare bedroom, everyone needs to get away and do things they love doing with the people they love the most.

Could you benefit from some help sorting through the best options in your benefits package? Are you weighing an exciting new job offer and wondering about 401(k) rollovers or switching healthcare plans? Let’s go through the fine print together and make sure your hard work is paying off in every possible way.

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