Retirement Planning - 401(k) Rollover, Roth Conversion, Social Security & Pension Claiming Strategies

Transition Years - Countdown to Retirement


What is it?

Retirement Prosperity™ during your transition years focuses on preparing you for a successful transition to retirement.

At this stage we provide advice on …

  • How much money do I need to retire

  • How much can I spend in retirement

  • Can I retire early

  • Should I pay off my mortgage

  • Which pension option to choose

  • When should I take Social Security

  • Which Medicare plan to choose

 The benefits of Retirement Prosperity™ planning at this stage:

The benefits of Retirement Prosperity™ planning at this stage: You're preparing to transition into retirement (whether a full retirement, gradual retirement, or transition to a new retirement career). You’re facing a mounting number of complex decisions regarding Medicare, Social Security, pensions, and how to generate a reliable income from your nest egg. Facing these decisions alone can feel overwhelming. Understanding the various moving parts involved in these decisions and getting them right is critical.

Having an experienced guide, someone who has been down this road before and understands the various intricacies of successfully transitioning to retirement can make a big difference. Basing your decisions off of a personalized analysis, instead of rules of thumb, can have a profound impact on your retirement success.


It all starts with a free consultation.

Get started on the path to Retirement Prosperity.